Did the ancient Sumerians know about our “solar system?”

Dick: Ed, the ancient Sumerians knew about our “solar system” long ago.
Look at the image of the “sun” being circled by ten planets in the upper left of this ancient Sumerian cylinder seal:
The Sumerians were clearly intelligent people with a value system, a set of laws, diversification of labor, a monetary system, marriage and divorce, and many of the attributes of a sophisticated culture. I think it likely that, as this image shows, they perceived the earth to be one of many spherical globes circling the sun, since everything in the sky was round, and the moon can be seen to be a spherical object.

Edward: You are speaking of an image on an ancient Sumerian cylinder seal that the “alternative archeologist,” Zechariah Sitchin (in his books The 12th Planet, and, Genesis Revealed) claims represents “our solar system.” However, the “likelihood” that the Sumerians knew the earth was one of many planets circling the sun remains questionable, because much is known about ancient Sumerian cosmology from pictures they drew and words they wrote, and they depicted the earth in both cases as flat:

Sumerian Artifact
Source: http://www.bunkahle.com/

From verses scattered throughout hymns and myths, one can compile a picture of the universeʼs (anki) creation according to the Sumerians. The primeval sea (abzu) existed before anything else and within that, the heaven (an) and the earth (ki) were formed. The boundary between heaven and earth was a solid (perhaps tin) vault, and the earth was a flat disk. Within the vault lay the gas-like ‘lil’, or atmosphere, the brighter portions therein formed the stars, planets, sun, and moon. (Kramer, The Sumerians 1963: pp. 112-113) Each of the four major Sumerian deities is associated with one of these regions. An, god of heaven, may have been the main god of the pantheon prior to 2500 BC., although his importance gradually waned. (Kramer 1963 p. 118) Ki is likely to be the original name of the earth goddess, whose name more often appears as Ninhursag (queen of the mountains), Ninmah (the exalted lady), or Nintu (the lady who gave birth). It seems likely that these two were the progenitors of most of the gods.

Typical of ancient flat earth cosmologies, the Sumerians depicted the sun moving across the sky each day:

Shamash (Babbar, Utu) Shamash is the sun god, the son of Sin and Ningal. He rises from the mountains with rays out of his shoulders. He enters and exits the underworld through a set of gates in the mountain (exits from Mt. Mashu, “Gilgamesh IX ii”) guarded by scorpion-people. He travels both on foot and in a chariot, pulled by fiery mules. He upholds truth, and justice. He is a lawgiver and informs oracles. Nergal is a corrupt aspect of his nature.

Each morning Utu rises from the ‘interior of heaven’ with rays out of his shoulders in the East and crosses the firmament and all heavenly luminaries before finally reentering through the corresponding set of gates in the west. This means the Sun god travels to the Underworld everyday, becoming one of its Luminaries of the Land of No Return during nighttime. Thus, Utu/Shamash is one of the Ever-Returning Deities of Mesopotamia, who travel to the Depths Below entering its Gates at Sunset and returning to brighten up the Heights Above at dawn every single day. The West Gates where the Sun sets in the Epic of Gilgamesh are said to be guarded by the Scorpion People, beings half human, half scorpion, the first Otherworldly challengers Gilgamesh had to meet and win over in his search for immortality. Utu/Shamash travels the skies either on foot or in a chariot, pulled by fiery mules. His domain is called in The Phoenician Letters (by Wilfrid Davies and G. Zur, Mowat Publishing, Manchester, UK, 1979) the High Country, the heavenly sphere where the stars can be found.

Flip through Othmar Keelʼs Symbolism of the Biblical World to see the symbols and ancient iconography related to the Babylonian sunʼs movement across the sky.

Sumerian symbology stressed the power of the gods, and also honored the moonʼs phases with monthly rites: “on the day of the disappearance of the moon, on the day of the sleeping of the moon.” Did they know what the moonʼs phases really constituted?
The Sumerians celebrated these aspects of the moonʼs phases on the first, seventh, and fifteenth of each month. These three days formed the monthly “Essesu” Festival. The importance of these scared days is articulated in the Atrahasis myth, Tablet I, columns 204-207, as Enki sets about the creation of man, “Enki opened his mouth and addressed the great Gods, ‘On the first, seventh, and fifteenth day of the month I will make a purifying bath’ {43} The necessity for observation of these sacred days is reiterated in a number of collected Mesopotamian letters which refer to the necessity of ‘passing the first, seventh, and fifteenth as you have been taught.’ This observance, in the minimum, included a ritual bath: a sacred immersion in the symbolic ‘Waters of Life.’

In ancient Egypt “the mythological explanation of the moonʼs phases was that the eye was healed by the god Thoth.” or check this link.

The Cylinder Seal, My Interpretation

Firstly, cylinder seals are not the most convincing evidence upon which to hang “proofs” that Sumerians believed the earth was a planetary sphere and that other such spheres of nearly the same size existed and they all circled the sun. Cylinder seals are not like clay tablets used in ancient astronomy/astrology schools that taught mathematics and star observations, etc. Such seals were merely rolled on wet clay and used as signatures, confirmations of receipt, or to mark bricks. They primarily expressed peopleʼs identities and authority.

The seal looks to me like two people standing and holding hands, facing a man who is sitting with a staff of authority in his hand. The sitting man might be a king or religious leader. Since the two people are holding hands, I wonder if itʼs a “wedding or joining ceremony” being depicted? The so-called “sun and planets” that appear in the sky over the shoulders of the couple could be auspicious stars, denoting the time was ripe. The ancients often looked to the heavens for signs that directed their actions on earth, like planting and harvesting, among other activities. Also, some stars are brighter than others, like Venus, which is most probably what the large central object in the sky is. (See below)

Since you prefer to interpret the seal as “telling us what the Sumerians knew” about our “solar system,” I will simply ask you some questions below.

If the couple and the seated man have the entire “solar system” in the sky above their shoulders, then that cannot be an image of a solar system at all. Because you canʼt be on earth and also have the earth in the sky as a sign as to whatʼs going on below. The things in the sky are obviously heavenly signs accompanying whatever important activity is depicted as taking place between the three people below.
Why is the alleged “sun” symbol not the normal sun symbol, nor the symbol for the sun god Shamash which was usually depicted as a disk with flame-like lines inside the disk, or a winged disk against a background of stars.
The central object is instead an 8-pointed star with the circle in the middle, which was often associated with Ishtar/Inanna as the morning or evening star:
The goddess Inanna (Innin, or Innini) was the patron and special god/goddess of the ancient Sumerian city of Erech (Uruk), the City of Gilgamesh. As Queen of heaven, she was associated with the Evening Star (the planet Venus), and sometimes with the Moon. She may also have been associated the brightest stars in the heavens, as she is sometimes symbolized by an eight-pointed star, a seven-pointed star, or a four pointed star. In the earliest traditions, Inanna was the daughter of An, the Sky, Ki, the Earth (both of Uruk, (Warka)). In later Sumerian traditions, she is the daughter of Nanna (Narrar), the Moon God and Ningal, the Moon Goddess (both of Ur)… Inanna was also the Queen of beasts, and the Lion was her sacred animal.

There is much known about ancient Sumerian iconography, including what symbols they used for the god of the sun Utu/Shamash, and for another bright celestial object, Saturn:
“Saturn through the Ages”, an article that includes Sumerian symbols for “sun” and “Saturn”.

Sumerian symbol for Saturn:

Another Source: symbol for Saturn seen in Sumerian iconography:

I have yet to see the name of an ancient Sumerian god, or that godʼs identifying symbols, that would suggest that the Sumerians knew of any “wandering stars” beyond Saturn. (“Wandering stars” was the name the ancients gave to the few tiny lights in the sky that didnʼt move in unison with the rest each night. The word “planet” in fact, means, “wanderer.”) Here is a list of the FIVE “wandering stars” (the earth was not a wandering star, but instead was the firm foundation of creation) and their names by accepted Babylonian (and Sumerian?) sources:


  • Mercury: Ubu-idim-gud-ud,Gud-ud,Gu-ad,Gu-Utu, Nebo
  • Venus: Nindaranna,Ninsianna,Dibalt,Dilbad,Dilipat,Ishtar
  • Mars: Salbatai,Salbatana,Sanumma,Nergal
  • Jupiter: Udaltar,Mul-Babbar,Sagnae-gar,Nibiru-Marduk,Marduk
  • Saturn: Genna,Sagus,Uduidim,Ninib

Add the above FIVE “wanderers” to the sun and moon which also traced their own unique paths across the sky, and you get a total of SEVEN major heavenly objects. The ancients imagined that these SEVEN were special gods overseeing the flat earth below. For instance, the Babylonians referred to the “watchful eye” of Shamash, the sun, who notes all things. And a prayer to Mars (Nergal) states, “With Sin (the Moon) in Heaven thou perceivest all things.” Compare the Hebrew notion that “these SEVEN [lights] are the eyes of the Lord which range to and fro throughout the earth” (Zechariah 4:10).
Sources: Christianson, Gale E. This Wild Abyss, The Free Press - A Division of Macmilan Publishing Co. Inc., NY., 1978. OʼNeil, W.M. Early Astronomy from Babylonia to Copernicus, Sydney University Press, Portland, Oregon, 1986. Thurston, Hugh Early Astronomy, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., NY, 1994. E. C. Krupp, Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations (New York: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 65-70. Gertrude and James Jobes, Outer Space: Myths, Name Meanings, and Calendars from the Emergence of History to the Present (New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964), p. 81-83. Langdon, Semitic Mythology, p. 136.

Of the planets that lay beyond Saturn (namely, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) the ancients show no sign of having been aware of them. Uranus was only discovered and named in the post-telescope era by William Herschel in 1781. That goes doubly for Neptune or Pluto that lay beyond Uranus, and were discovered much later. None of those three planets show up on any known pre-Galilean sky charts. (But wait, your “solar system seal hypothesis” features those planets and more then even science today knows about! [sic])

Neither are the things that you call “planets” on the cylinder seal in proportion to the relative sizes or relative brightnesses of the planets modern astronomers know about, and there is no evidence on the seal itself that the smaller objects are “moving in circles” around the larger object. They frame the larger object, just as the symbol of the sun god (a different symbol as I said above) is seen in other ancient iconography is sometimes framed by stars.
Neither can we ignore all that we do know about ancient Sumerian cosmology, which was a flat earth cosmology. Above questions are from an historian of ancient Sumeria and a student of Sumerian mythology.
edited by E.T.B.

A Related Question: What Are The Odds Of Finding Another Example Of “Modern Science” In Ancient Near Eastern Pictures?

If you think Sitchin and Dick Fischer “beat the odds” by finding a “solar system” on an ancient Sumerian cylinder seal, think again. David Hatcher Childress (in his book Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis) sees an Egyptian holding a “lightbulb on a plinth with the filament clearly seen, as well as an electric lead” in this relief from the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in Egypt:

However, when one understands the ancient mythologies which claim that life/the world came from the sun (symbolized by a lotus - the bayonet fixing), in the form of the egg (the bulb itself), and from which emerged the life principle (almost universally symbolized by the snake/sun-spirit - the filament), one begins to realize what this picture is referring to. The egg also rests upon the pillar (other depictions have a god suspending the egg/sky - the world pillar mentioned elsewhere in ancient Egyptian mythology and iconography).

Another famous Egyptian artifact was found at the temple in Abydos - a ‘cartouche’ showing what appeared to be the engraving of a helicopter and other ‘craft’:

However, it was later realized that the picture was a composite of two quite ordinary hieroglyphic texts laid over each other. The appearance of the helicopter on the artifact was actually an artifact itself, and was formed from two separate hieroglyphs - only resembling a helicopter to our modern eyes.

One Key to deciphering religion, New Age and Illuminati-sponsored Revision of Mythology - the Zodiac by Ivan Fraser

Also Of Interest…

ETCSLcorpus: Catalogue of all available compositions and translations by text category [Sumerian Literature, Poems, Hymns, Proverbs, ONLINE]

King Shulgi (c. 2100 BCE) on the future of Sumerian literature:
“Now, I swear by the sun god Utu on this very day — and my younger brothers shall be witness of it in foreign lands where the sons of Sumer are not known, where people do not have the use of paved roads, where they have no access to the written word — that I, the firstborn son, am a fashioner of words, a composer of songs, a composer of words, and that they will recite my songs as heavenly writings, and that they will bow down before my words…”


  1. straight from the roots signs with sumerian records

  2. thanks for the different point of view, you have a good background, a good study on history! still history itself is full of wrong translations and misleading ideas (the same way the alien interference on mankind works for so many people with questions unanswered..) i have to give credit to your thinking and study but, theres things on the way we built monuments back in the day that defies our knowledge of architecture and all that jazz... and its still something that we have to give some consideration besides Carter´s ideas on the pyramids for example.. I hope im not saying a lot of crap... i dont have the same background that you do, and ill say that what i know its based on the documentaries that i see on TV :( still those constructions are too perfect, dont you think?

  3. theres more into it than meets the eye, no? in the end what i mean is that archeology is not making such a great job as i use to think when i was younger..

    Sorry about the terrible english (not native language) and thanks for your time reading this!


  4. Actually, There are ancient heiroglyphs that show how the Egyptians moved massive blocks of stone.

  5. Things are open for interpretation and discussion, but saying that "because you can't be on earth and also have the earth in the sky as a sign as to what's going on below" in my opinion is a poor argument, given that this kind of logic doesn't apply to the symbolic style of representing facts by the ancients.

  6. Ever look at cymatic experiments with frequency patterns? At 4000 hertz a form appears that looks identical to the so called sun symbol archaeologists have accepted.


  7. if youre the kind who thinks templars are the wisest,build me a piramid,and if you belong to the kind that thinks youre god,then build me an universe.

  8. Just to add to your conversation about Ancient Sumerians and the Solar System (above), there's an image in the landscape near my house in Utah that shows a Sumerian woman (Inanna?) with her lips pursed (as if she is whistling) at a turtle-shaped object, and trees are arranged on the turtle-shaped object in a way that looks like the arrangement on your Sumerian image of the planets. Personally, I think its not our solar system. I think its the Pleiadian star system, and represents their home. You can view the 1200' long GoogleEarth image in Utah using this link:

    1. Cool. But you really have to stretch to see that. Pareidolia?

  9. Perception, knowing, understanding, beliefs, morality, right/wrong, evil, gods, fantasy, creatures, facts, mythology... all imaginary human concepts that do not exist in the Universe. They live in the mind of men and spreads like a virus. They will vanish when we are gone. So all we truly have is theory, study and learning. Can't we be happy with that and stop fighting over beliefs and things we will never know?

  10. Speaking of the Sumerian text on our solar system. U said that the reason it couldn't be a pic of our solar system because you can't be on our planet and look upon our planet at the same time. My daughter has a solar system hanging from her ceiling, With All The Planets. We look at it every night. Why wouldn't the ancients, if having knowledge of our solar system, use the same concept to talk or teach upon the solar system in the same way..

  11. Speaking upon the text stating that u can't look upon the earth and be on it at the same time. My daughter has a solar system hanging from get ceiling with all the planets. Why couldn't the ancient use the same concept to speak upon the solar system, if knowing the knowledge somehow? If the People figured all the rest of their great inventions, who says they couldnt have came up with a telescope. Or the stories of the gods actually be true..

  12. I guess my first question would be; "How did they name/make the zodiacal calendar if they didn't know the solar system?

  13. I'll look into this further-- the notion that flat earth contradicts Sitchin's interpretations and that flat earth is indeed suggested by Gilgamesh. Certainly the entire idea of Nibiru is a problem if EArth is flat.

  14. The Anunnaki were tetraploid humans, plain and simple. Read Secrets of the Pink Kush for the newly discovered truth.

    1. "Secrets of the Pink Cush?" I visited the site. Hilarious! He really needs to quit smoking pot. Read this incisive review and rational take down of Secrets of the Pink Kush by someone who has studied more cases of unverified hypotheses related to UFOs than practically anyone else on the web: http://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/marijuana-advocate-claims-god-satan-anunnaki-were-tetraploid-giants-created-by-a-crocus

    2. What incisive review? Jason Colavito is an known NWO shill, just like you probably. You and your kind are the real joke, too much booze and pills softened the rest of your ignorant, unscientific brain. You are professional liars at best and deserve your comeuppance whenever you receive it, which is quite often it appears.

      There are only ad hominem attacks taht can be viewed on that repugnant useless site of Jason Colavito. Jason cannot even read as he proves from his highly inaccurate "review". He had to put another author's name on his bogus book in order to get anybody to read his tripe. You shills really need another occupation because Secrets of the Pink Kush exposes you and your vicious, ignorant kind. If you need an idiot the Jason Colavito or one of his minions are available for useless commentary.

    3. Wild speculations that try to connect widely placed dots in one particular monomaniacal form don't interest me.

  15. Yes, the Sumerians knew about our solar system and have visited many of our planets, if not all. They have found skulls on Mars and pyramids on Mars and Ceres. Secrets of the Pink Kush explains everything using SCIENCE. They were tetraploid humans and have double chromosomes and grow into giants. The book details how to make a tetraploid human. This is provided in order to satisfy the scientific requirements of replication of results. NOBODY CAN DENY THE FACTS. Shills like Jason Colavito or Edward Babinski will attemmpt to lie to you because this is HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE or the OCCULT. I guarantee you the truth. Finding the ignorance is easy but finding the truth is elusive.

    1. There is no convincing evidence that the Sumerians believed in anything other than a flat earth with the underworld directly beneath it. You need to study ancient texts without concentrating on whatever minor things you can stretch into evidence of aliens and modern scientific knowledge.

  16. Please note that the scientific method is employed in the book Secrets of the Pink Kush. Edward T. Babinski and Jason Colavito have NEVER read the book and can only make ad hominem attacks, they offer no academic rebuttal whatsoever only personal attacks. You can even see the tremendous rude bias from the title of Colavito's "review:. They are mere ignorant shills not real scientists. This book debunks these debunkers, I guarantee it. The other scientists told me that I am correct but some are afraid due to their careers. If you have haters then you are doing something right. If it was not correct, why would they persist in their vicious attacks? The truth trumps these nefarious shills.


    Some videos on the subject with some of the physical evidence that shills like Edward Babinski and Jaon Colavito ignore. Chapter 10 in the book explains why they do not want you to know the truth. Let the real people be the judge, not some shills for the New World Order.


    BTW: The Sumerian relief above in this Cosmology article shows that the Sumerians (Anunnaki) did know our solar system quite well, even at that time. They included Ceres and Pluto which our scientists exclude due to their dwarf status.

    1. Yes, obviously it's a conspiracy by scientists who are covering up the truth. And a conspiracy by archeologists and Mesopotamian scholars who are also covering up the fact that the Sumerians knew about Pluto and even Ceres. Here's a though, why not read a classic scholarly volume on Mesopotamian Cosmography like this one, and get back to me?

      "All of the available evidence demonstrates that the earth’s surface was thought to be basically circular in shape. The geographic terms translated, ‘circle of the earth,’ ‘circle of the lands,’ ‘circle of the four corners,’ ‘circle of the four winds,’ and ‘circle of the four (regions),’ if understood literally, demonstrate that the earth’s surface was a circle, with nagu radiating from the outer circle. Similarly, the author of the Babylonian Map of the World drew the level of the earth’s surface as two concentric circles…” p. 349 of MESOPOTAMIAN COSMIC GEOGRAPHY

      The names of the underworld, ‘Darkness,’ and ‘House of Darkness,’ demonstrate that the underworld was a dark place. . . However in a number of passages, the Sun-god passes through the underworld at night on his way under the earth’s surface from the western horizon to the eastern horizon. p. 352

      Evidence that the Sun-god passes over mountains as he rises at dawn is found in a number of texts. Two sources suggest that these mountains lie at the very ends of the earth’s surface: ‘Sun-god, when you rise from the Great Mountain… when you rise from Duku, the place where destinies are determined, when you rise at the place where heaven and earth embrace, at the horizon,’ ‘As far as the edge of heaven, as far as the edge of earth, from the mountain of sunrise to the mountain of sunset. In the mountain/land, no other lord resides, you exercise lordship.’ These passages may be related to Old Akkadian cylinder seals that picture the Sun-god rising by a gate over a hillock. In other possible parallels, mountains of sunrise and sunset may be located at the far ends of the central continent, rather than across the sea at the edge of the earth. p. 331

      In The Shamash Hymn, the Sun-god is said to ‘continuously cross the heavens, daily you pass over the vast earth. The flood of the sea, mountains, earth, and heavens, daily you pass over faithfully.’ Together, these passages indicate that at least some ancient Mesopotamian geographers conceived of the continental portion of the earth’s surface as a flat plain ringed by mountains and surrounded by the waters of a cosmic ocean. Neither the World Map nor The Sargon Geography provide clear descriptions of the ends of the earth’s surface. On the map, an uncharted blank area stretches beyond the far shore of the cosmic ocean and most distant points of the nagu lying beyond that ocean. Similarly, the preserved portions of The Sargon Geography does not explain what lies beyond the distant lands of Dilmun, Meluhha, Anaku, and Kaptara. Such ambiguities and the existence of conflicting traditions concerning the ends of the earth’s surface reflect the fact that little was actually known about distant areas during antiquity. In the words of the author of The Shamash Hymn, knowledge of the far reaches of the earth’s surface was not one of the privileges of mankind, but the prerogative of Shamash, who moved daily over the entire expanse of the earth’s surface. p. 333

  17. Required Reading: Confessions of an Ex-Shill


    Posted by William H. Bradshaw author of Secrets of the Pink Kush

    If you want the truth then we must debunk these phony debunkers called shills.

  18. blog author says the large spere in the center is Vensus because it is brighter than other stars. Seriously? I thought we only had one star in our solar system, and Venus isn't it.

    1. You are ignorant of the fact that the ancients used the word star for any shining object in the sky. In fact the word planet means wanderer, because the ancients noticed that some stars did not spin in a circle each night with all the rest around the pole star, but some few stars wandered in their own unique directions in the sky, those were wandering stars like Venus.

    2. Dear MAPSURFER: You may very well be correct in your comment. The Luciferians are also known as Venetians because they worship Venus, the Morning Star. This is the brightest of the planets and is the Morning Star and Evening Star.

      It is part of the Diva or Devi Worship hence Devil Worship. Lucifer is a matriarch and is who the Judeans and Freemasons worship as God or goddess actually. They are Semitic and were chosen to rule over Earth for them. This is why the Jews are called the CHOSEN ONES. The only problem with this is that they were chosen by a cannabilistic monster tetraploid female human also known as the Devil and NOT THE REAL GOD.

      She is, also, not to be confused with Satan who is a male tetraploid and a nature god. These are bureaucratic positions like president or king or queen. In fact this is from which the concept of divine rule emanates.

      He represents the leaders of the patriarchy while Lucifer is the leader of the matriarchy. Adonai is the lord or the right hand path of righteousness while Lucifer is the goddess of the left hand path of deceit. Satan uses a nature approach and a might is right philosophy. Lucifer wants all humans to bow to her and be subservient to females, hence the Diva worship concept found predominantly in all Persian based religions. e.g. Judaism, Jainism, Sikhism, Hinduism, et al. See me videos or read my book for what I discovered and my theory is totally concrete with incontrovertible evidence. See http://SecretsPinkKush.ZapperSoftware.com
      My book is for real and I show how the giants came into existence. There are no flaws in my theory simply because it is the truth albeit very strange. Real metaphysics. Remember that these people, both the Lion (Jews) and the Serpent (Giants) DO NOT WANT us to know this hidden knowledge (occult). That is why there are so many paid shills out there to obfuscate the truth. Thanks.

  19. There was an ancient observatory in Kokino, Macedonia which is further proof that the tetraploid humans knew of our solar system. Recently Dr. Brown discovered Nibiru/Planet X. I like to call this planet Marduk as it was probably named that by these ancient giants. See Marduk slaying Tiamat for more information on this analogy. I have Planet X and Ceres both as planets in my video before his "discovery". I also include Pluto because it is a dwarf planet but a planet nonetheless How is that possible? I believe the tetrploid humans (Sumerians) as they have actually been to many of the planets in our solar system. I used their information and was correct. Remember the face on Mars 1976. NASA is now trying to hide it. They are EXTREMELY ADVANCED but are NOT aliens. Here is more proof of what is REALLY going on:


  20. Please note that Atlantis (one of the homes of the tetraploid humans) probably had its concentric circles (according to Plato) based upon our solar system. That is pure speculation on my part but is an educated guess. Polyploidism was the key to understanding how they were created and the Bible and other ancient texts back this theory. We now have so much evidence they can no longer deny the truth. The tetraploid humans and the Judeans DO NOT WANT US to know these things. They want us to believe that they are gods or aliens.

  21. I believe they mapped out the cities according to our solar system. Sippar represents the sun. The sinai or 2nd sippar after the flood represents nibiru Baalbek is mars. So the distance half way between nibiri and mars is pluto (jerusalem) the mount that shows the way. Enkis city eridu representes neptune waters and this is located in beer sheva which is gan shlosha. Meron is sipppar and tzfat the earth and jericho the moon which is hazor. The galilee comes from the root circles because of the orbits around the sun (meron)

    1. So apparently ancient Near Eastern scholars who study all the iconography and written texts of ancient Sumeria, Assyria and Babylon are nuts, and you're the sane one? Read up on ancient cosmography.

  22. I believe they did map out cities according to the asverage distance from the sun. Keep in mind that Baalbek being jupiter until sinai(nibiru) with jerusalem (pluto in the middle). ho do we know that jerusalem was Pluto? Simple, the mountain that shows the way, like the planet that shows the way. therefore the distance from Jupiter to pluto is 5091430000 km therefor x 2 = 10182860000

  23. The confusion began when Marduk Surrounded the 4th region ie the canaanites.His empire was in the east. He built Cities Matching those in eden (israel) And thats how the tablets got into Iraq, he stole them from Eden. All the temples in Iraq would have been destroyed by the nuclear blast, And they are all still standing. And it clearly says in the lost book of enki that From Eridu - sippar in the north were wiped out.Yet babylon (bagdad) survives? Another clear indication that Eden was in Israel is the fact that the landing pad in the cedar mountains was in the north of Eridu, and lebanon is clearly west of Iraq and not north. Therefore Eridu was in ISrael.

  24. In the second layout sippar which was mount Meron Was changed to hermon and thus jerusalem becomes pluto half way between the sun(landing place or cedar mountains of hermon) and sinai (nibiru). And how do we know jerusalem was pluto? The mountain that shows the way like pluto on the way to our solar system. Thus neptune becomes shechem which is actually ararat hence the twin peaks of gerizim and ebal and this uranus becomes tabor and larsa(saturn) becomes dishon river to the north and lagash becomes banias river of pan (jupiter) which means all of hermon becomes the inner planets and i believe these places are inside the mountain. The annunaki might even be acustomed to dark places because of the climate on nibiru. They live on the tree of life. Now the original eridu was east of shechem since eridu represents water and neptune. So the entry from the jordan valley becomes eridu and the old layout still exists to sippar (peak of meron) and thus passes nibiruki or bet el because el represents enlil and thus his house originally was bet el which today is the shamamai tomb in meron where jacob built a pillar of stone as a marker

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TcG28nmNK0


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:yum: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :wink: :blush: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grin: :joy: :sunglasses: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :kissing: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :kissing_closed_eyes: :128578: :129303: :innocent: :129299: :129300: :neutral_face: :expressionless: :no_mouth: :128580: :smirk: :128547: :128549: :128558: :129296: :hushed: :sleepy: :tired_face: :sleeping: :relieved: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :unamused: :sweat: :128532: :confused: :128579: :129297: :astonished: :mask: :129298: :129301: :9785: :128577: :confounded: :128542: :worried: :triumph: :cry: :sob: :frowning: :anguished: :fearful: :weary: :grimacing: :cold_sweat: :scream: :flushed: :128565: :rage: :angry: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :128073: :128072: :9757: :up: :middle: :128071: :9996: :128406: :129304: :128400: :9995: :128076: :128077: :128078: :9994: :128074: :tongue: :cupid: :heart: :heartbeat: :brokenheart: :twohearts: :sparklingheart: :heartpulse: :blueheart: :greenheart: :yellowheart: :128156: :revolvingheart: :africa: :americas: :asia: :art: :127771: :sunny: :fullmoon: :facesun: :127919: :127922: :spades: :cardshearts: :9830: :clubs: :football: :128330: :9774: :9775: :127808: :9752:
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